
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

efficacy of soursop fruit

After the previous post I am trying to reveal the benefits of soursop fruit, this time let's talk about the benefits for health Soursop Leaf. Maybe during this time many people who take advantage of soursop fruit is only eaten meat only. And escape from their thought that was the fruit soursop leaves also have properties that not less great. There is even a source as saying the efficacy of soursop leaves 10 000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy. This is related to cancer treatment. Understanding the chemotherapy itself is the use of drugs to slow the spread of chemical substances or even kill cancer cells. For cancer prevention, it is advisable to eat or drink fruit juice soursop As for healing, can boil 10 leaves of soursop fruit is old (dark green) into the 3 cups of boiled water and continue to evaporate and water to 1 cup only. 1 cup water to the patient every day dimimumkan 2 times. Regarding petanyaan, whether existing scientific research that proves the truth of soursop leaves as a cure for cancer let's find the source.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Benefits of Soursop Fruit, whether it is fruit that is often underestimated health giving properties has not? In terms of taste, there is indeed no one denies that the very delicious and fresh made juice. Sour-sour sweet and fresh aroma.Maybe you think, this fruit is native Indonesia. But actually this useful plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Imported by the Dutch East Indies colonial government to the archipelago, namely in the 19th century. Now, let's go back to the main topic, namely the Soursop fruit for health benefits. By taking we will have the benefit or efficacy as follows:

    * Ascorbic acid increases the amount of antioxidants in the body. It helps fight against free radicals in the body and helps keep the number of infections and disorders at bay.
* The fruit is also helpful in reducing pain and discomfort caused by constipation. Because fruit contains soluble and insoluble fiber, it adds bulk to the stool and facilitates easy elimination from the body.
* One of soursop leaf health benefits can be seen in treating mouth ulcers effectively. Finely mashing the leaves with water and apply it to the boil will help to reduce the size of ulcers, in time they heal completely and also reduce irritation.

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